Manly Pinterest Tips Podcast
Adding Testosterone One Pin At A Time
By Jeffsieh
Although, we all know the basics of our various social media accounts – how many followers we have or how many repins a certain post has garnered – many of us treat the deeper analytic information of those accounts as though they are enveloped in a shroud of mystery and complexity. That state of ignorance doesn’t work for a guy like Danny Maloney. In fact, Danny hopes to shed as much light as he … [Read more...]
By Jeffsieh
While education might not be the first thing you think of when you sign in to Pinterest, Kim Vij is doing her very best to keep the topic on top of a lot of Pinterest boards. And, if her 1.5 million Pinterest followers serve as a testament to her success, she’s doing a mighty fine job of it. In this edition of The Manly Pinterest Tips Show, we get a chance to pick the brain of one of Pinterest’s … [Read more...]
By Jeffsieh
While it’s not hard to see how much fun and engaging Pinterest can be, many people don’t have a very good grasp at how well the social media platform can drive traffic and generate leads. In this edition of the Manly Pinterest Tips Show, Alisa Meredith helps fill in the gaps, complete with tips that will help get your social media strategy off the backburner and onto the front page. Alisa, who h … [Read more...]
By Jeffsieh
While most eight-year olds were playing matchbox and jumping through the sprinkler, Rebekah Radice was out selling avocados, oranges, and peaches from her humble fruit stand in Southern California. Obviously, Rebekah has always had a knack for selling stuff, eventually moving on to bigger things like real estate and the mortgage industry, where, across 17 years, she learned the ins and outs of … [Read more...]
By Jeffsieh
Nothing last forever, right? Well, that’s true as far as Shannon Hernandez is concerned. Shannon Hernandez, the guest on the August 28, 2014 edition of the Manly Pinterest Show, asks us to imagine a truly stark world where social media platforms emerge with great fanfare, only to disappear without notice – does MySpace ring any bells? That’s no big deal if you use social media to share photos … [Read more...]
By Jeffsieh
In this installment of The Manly Pinterest Tips Show, the always-engaging Peg Fitzpatrick proves it doesn’t take a mere ‘Y’ chromosome to add a boost of testosterone to the program. In fact, Peg’s knowledge and advice are so wide-ranging and extensive, they are sure to enlighten even the most bewildered social media tenderfoots. A social media sage who has been on Pinterest since it was invite- … [Read more...]
By Jeffsieh
On the latest edition of the newly launched Manly Pinterest Tips Show, we welcome Pinterest marketing maven Vincent Ng. Over the course of the half hour, we get down to the nitty-gritty details of exactly what makes Pinterest so valuable to both small and big businesses. Vincent offers practical tips and suggestions that the Pinterest novice and expert alike will find useful. Vincent is a … [Read more...]
By Jeffsieh
The first installment of the newly re-launched The Manly Pinterest Show couldn’t have come at a better time. What, with the announcement (the day before this HOA was held) that Pinterest will soon allow users to have one-on-one and group conversations about specific pins, effectively closing the interaction gap Pinterest users have long lamented. So who better than blogger Mike Alton to lead u … [Read more...]