Many people don’t know this, but I do all the cooking in the Sieh household. If anyone ever asks, I tell them that I do it because my wife is a teacher and I try to help her out. I say it’s nice that we can sit down for a family meal together when she gets home from school. The real reason is this…I want to eat what I want to eat.
So this leads me to Manly Pinterest Tip #2. Use Pinterest to find a recipe for something you want to eat this Thanksgiving. You may be stuck in a house that all that is on the table is Tofurkey. You may have a recipe from your childhood that you haven’t had in a long time. Go find a recipe that you want and make it for yourself. For me, Thanksgiving is not Thanksgiving without yams with little marshmallows on top. For my Dad, he always make this hideous corn casserole with smoked oysters that only he ends up eating.
The point is go exploring on Pinterest and find some Thanksgiving recipe that interests you and then go make it. Don’t print out the recipe and hand it to you wife or significant other to make for you. Be in charge of your own gastrointestinal destiny! There are a ton of great Thanksgiving recipes that are pretty easy to make on Pinterest.
Want to earn some major manly points? Make another dish that you know that your wife loves but doesn’t have time to make because of the hectic schedule of the holidays and surprise her with it. Better than roses my friends.
So be manly and go make a Thanksgiving dish. If you’re feeling adventurous surprise your wife with one. You never know how she may surprise you back.
Pin It For Later:
If you’d like some ideas for some Thanksgiving dishes, you can checkout my boards on Pinterest here: