If you are trying to market any kind of product or service, you are probably interested in how to use visual marketing strategies more effectively. And you should be – visuals are a great way for you to stand out. They capture the attention of your audience, and they can help set your brand apart as unique.
This week I join forces with Phil Mershon on Blab to bring you part one of a two part discussion on visual marketing. We discuss some compelling visual marketing statistics (if you aren’t already convinced of the importance of visuals you will be!), and offer some advice for how to fit some visual marketing strategies into your busy schedule.
We found a few experts who were willing to take a turn in the hot seat to share tactics, tips and tools that have worked for them. They also reveal their biggest fails and what they have learned from their mistakes.
You’ll want to check back in next week to see more of our peers weigh in on these questions.
Oh, and if you thought that growing a beard couldn’t be an important part of a visual marketing strategy, you’re in for a surprise!
Here’s who we put in the hot seat in part 1:
- Alisa Meredith (11:32)
- Craig Carpenter (17:30)
- Kim Vig (27:14)
Thanks For Watching And Listening!
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Thanks to Phil for being such a great host. See you for the next episode where we’ll be adding testosterone, one pin at a time!