We all know Elf On The Shelf changes positions and locations every night during the Christmas season. The reason that he does this is for the entertainment and joy it gives to children. Just as the Elf On The Shelf does something new and different each night for the kids, so you too can also keep your Pinterest boards fresh and different during the holidays by rotating your boards. All of … [Read more...]
Pinterest Tips For The Holidays
As we wind down the year, we are smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, so I wanted to talk about holiday pinning in this week's episode. Here are a couple of caveats… This video tip should really should have come earlier in the season. To fully maximize the benefits of the holidays for Pinterest, start early. To begin your Christmas Pinterest strategy, think about launching in Septe … [Read more...]
Teens On Pinterest
For this week's Manly Monday episode, I went where many men fear to tread…A Jr. High girl's classroom. I was lucky enough to interview some very insightful girls on how they were using Pinterest on a daily basis. Since this group of girls included my daughter, I knew all them were active on Pinterest and used it in ways we may not think about. You can watch the episode below. Here's a c … [Read more...]
Resurrecting A Blog Post With Pinterest
Do you have evergreen content that you know should perform better? Or do you have some old blog posts that performed really well in the past, but lately these posts seem to have no life at all? Pinterest can help bring life back into those old posts! Not only is Pinterest a great driver of traffic to your new blog posts, it can also breath new life into that corpse of a blog that has started to … [Read more...]
Manly Monday Episode 9 – The Pinterest Space-Time Continuum
Transcript: Just like Doctor Who can travel through space and time, Pins that you pin on Pinterest can all of the sudden pop up when you least expect it. Which is awesome! Pinterest Pins have the longest shelf life of any social media network. I'm still getting repins that link back to my content when I first started using Pinterest. Sure most of your repins will happen in the first 24 … [Read more...]
Manly Monday Episode 8 – Secret Boards
Transcript: I sometimes get grief from other guys because I'm so active on Pinterest. They ask me, "What can Pinterest offer guys?" Well, other than great images linked to awesome content and the long term shelf life of your pins. Pinterest has another great feature. Secret boards. Secret boards on Pinterest are boards that only you and whomever else you invite can see. In other words, th … [Read more...]
Manly Monday Episode 7 – Cupcakes & Shoes
Transcript: Today we dive deep into the man cave to mine this gem from Peg Fitzpatrick. Peg recently joined me on the Manly Pinterest Tips show. If you haven't checked out the show, make sure to check out the Manly Pinterest Tips YouTube channel to catch up on all the great episodes. Peg shared this excellent tip about what works great on Pinterest…. Did you catch that fellas? Pinterest … [Read more...]
Manly Monday Episode 6 – Raincoat Descriptions
Transcript: We all know Pinterest is all about images. Nothing is more important than creating a stunning, eye catching image for your pin. That being said, one if the biggest things that I see being overlooked on Pinterest, is pin descriptions. You go to all that trouble, create a great image, link it to spectacular content and then just put the title in the description. To me that's kin … [Read more...]
Manly Monday – Episode 5 – Grilling & Pinterest
Transcript: Did you know who likes to BBQ? Well practically everyone! A 2013 study conducted by the Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association shows that 80 percent of all US household own a grill or a smoker. The most popular grilling times are the 4th of July, Memorial Day and Labor Day, but 60 percent of grillers report using their grill year round. That's me... One of my favorite t … [Read more...]
Manly Monday – Episode 4 – To Pin Or Not To Pin
Transcript One of the best pieces of advice I received when I started using Pinterest was from Peg Fitzaptrick who told me to not be just one dimensional on Pinterest but to pin things that show personality, not just pinning business related pins. I actually have a Geek board where I pin really geeky stuff that gets tons of engagement and repins. That being said, it still is important to … [Read more...]